Fashion is not bragging.

The last time I told someone what designer I was wearing, it was “Good Will”.  Ever heard of him?

I have a few designer things, and I am proud of those things – But its never good to BRAG or “buy and tell” as I like to call it.

If one is into fashion, thats fine. If one is partial to a designer, fine. But it is ugly to go around telling everyone what you are wearing. Its ugly, its unattractive, and it makes you look like a total “label whore”.

I thought this was a problem mainly in America— but obviously, like most things, it has its European roots. And I have seen the ugly side of fashion after living in Milan.

I think a lot of individuals are insecure and thus get some kind of worth from telling their friends all about the new Margiela or Prada they bought.

If you can make a lower end (cheap) product look expensive and chic, then you are a true fashionista.  If the only way you know how to look and feel good is through expensive labels, then you really arent’ a fashion trendsetter, you are just fortunate to be able to buy those clothes.


One Response

  1. YESTHANKYOUIAGREE. i mean i find it to be the same if you only go to urban outfitters and american apparel and buy a few thigns and put together an outfit i dont that that to be particularly…special because those pieces are stylish to begin with . im a huge advocate for DIY i dont feel like something is truly mine until i alter it in the tiniest way, even if its just slapping a pin on. ha yes that was my rant.

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